Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sean's Farewell

Today was Sean's farewell and talk at church. We had so much support from family and friends, it was incredible. Ashley, Brandon, London, Grandma & Grandpa Z. (& Wynn), Uncle Clay, Aunt Susan and Uncle Kurt came from Salt Lake. We missed Grandpa B...we know that he would have been there if possible; along with Grandma and Grandpa Stoker, Uncle Reed, Aunt Susie, Nick, Syd and Mitch. We appreciate Uncle Reed changing his plans to be there and Nick coming from Salt Lake too. It was great seeing all of our friends and Sean's friends, some we hadn't seen in years. Having everyone their to share with us, made it so special. Thank you so much!!!

Sean's talk was incredible. His topic was "serving an honorable mission." I wasn't exactly sure where it came from...he was a different person. He would not let Robert and I see it before church, so we weren't exactly sure what he was going to say. Jake was the youth speaker and he gave a quick talk on "preparing for a mission"...he did great! Lexie had planned on playing her violin for part and singing "Consider the Lilies." But a few days before, she got sick (thanks to Elder Stoker:) with a cold and was unable to sing. It was really sad, as she had been working on singing it for quite a while. It worked out fine though, she still played her violin and it was beautiful.

After the farewell we had an openhouse at our home. Friends and family members dropped by for light refreshments and everyone just mingled and visited. It was very nice and relaxed.

It was a long day, but very special. We appreciate all the love and support that was given. We love you all!