Friday, July 9, 2010

Call from Alaska

Tonight I received a very special call. Lexie and I had just returned from the grocery store and walked in the door to the phone ringing. She answered it and after a few vague "yeses" she said "you probably want to talk to my mom." She handed me the phone and on the other end a male voice asked me if I was Sister Stoker. I told him yes and he proceeded to tell me his name was Brother Ron Osborne from Boise, Idaho and that he was on vacation with his family in Alaska. He told me that he was in Wasilla and had just had a nice visit with my Elder Stoker. He explained that there was a street fair going on and as he and his family were walking down the street they observed two missionaries. He made a point to go over and talk to them. After visiting with Sean and Elder Yates, he asked Sean if he would mind if he (Bro. Osborne) called home to let his family know that he had seen him and to let us know that Sean was doing well. He also called Elder Yates' family. He said Sean quickly agreed and gave him our phone number. (I was glad he remembered it). He said that Sean was a very, very good looking missionary, very kind and respectful. He said he had an incredible spirit about him. He told me that he wasn't just saying that, that he really could feel it. He said that they often talk to the missionaries when they see them and he doesn't always feel such a strong spirit. Bro. Osborne and I visited for about 10 minutes or so and he couldn't say enough wonderful things about Sean. I asked him if Sean seemed shy. His reply was "a little," but that he fully participated in the conversation and became more talkative as they visited. He said that my husband and I should be very proud of the wonderful young man that we had raised. AND WE ARE! I was sad that Robert had missed the call. He and Jake were on a scout hike for 3 days. Anyway, Bro. Osborne from Boise, Idaho made one missionary's mother very happy. I hope he knows how grateful I am to him for taking the time to call.