Thursday, August 26, 2010

Service at the Musk Ox Farm

Sean and Elder Stokes have been providing service at the Musk Ox Farm. He told Robert... "yeah it is pretty fun, but that they are pretty aggressive at times... so we kind of had to brace ourselves during the pictures."

I guess it can be for no apparent reason, just like when the baby musk ox attacked him while he was bottle feeding it. How deceiving...they look so cute and sweet. Just like a family dog.

Monday, August 9, 2010

New Companion - Elder Stokes

Sean's new companion is Elder Andrew Stokes. He is is from Monument, Colorado. Sean believes that they will only be serving together for 1 transfer. Sis. Dance told me he is very tall. Sean will feel like he is living with Jake (although I think Jake is taller):)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Goodbye to Elder Yates and transfer to Palmer

In the midst of Sean receiving a concussion, he also received a new companion and was transferred on August 3. Sean is sad not to be serving with Elder Yates anymore, but President Dance wanted Elder Yates to serve the remainder of his mission in Soldotna, a beautiful little fishing town by Sterling. It's a good thing he loves to fish. Elder Yates goes home the first part of December. Sean and Elder Yates became great friends and I know Sean will miss serving with him. I will also miss having the local contact with his sister.

He is still serving over the same single's ward in Wasilla, but he and his new companion, Elder Stokes, (yes Stokes) have also been given a family ward. They will be living in Palmer, AK, which is only a few miles away from Wasilla. He believes he will only be serving with Elder Stokes and living in Palmer for a short time and then may be moving back to Wasilla.
Sis. Dance told me earlier in the week, that the addition of a family ward will be very good for Sean right now. Although he will be in church most of the day on Sunday, going to both wards. At least he won't be bored. :)

They will be participating in the baptism of a young man named "Adrian" on August 14. Adrian wanted to be baptized in the lake, but Sean thinks it will probably be at the stake center.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Alaskan style concussion

This week didn't start off well with our weekly email. First of all, Sean did not email yesterday (Monday), so around 5:00 on Monday, I checked with Elder Yates' sister, Mikelle, to see if their Mom had heard from Zach. Mikelle let me know that it was transfer day so the boys would be emailing on Tuesday. is so nice to have Mikelle and Elder Yates' Mom to connect with.

So after writing Sean a nice email about all of us being at youth conference over the weekend, this was the response I received from Sean: ".....hmm, I take it no one told you about me being in the ER until 3:00 a.m. Thursday/Friday, Elder Yates is being transferred today and I will be moving apartments, so yeah."

How is that for getting a mother's heart rate going fast in less than 3 seconds. Anyway, this is what I learned from Sean and Sister Dance (after speaking with her on Wednesday). I guess Sean received a concussion on Thursday, July 28, while playing soccer with the single's ward around 8:00 or 9:00 p.m. Sean was kicked in the back of the head by the soccer ball and collapsed. He was unconscious for 15 seconds or so. After he came to, Elder Yates gave him a blessing and they kept him still until they felt it was safe to move him. They helped him get to their car and Elder Yates drove him to the hospital. On the way, Elder Yates called Sister Dance to inform her what had happened. Zach told her that Sean was shaking and was a bit disoriented. She told him to call back as soon as they got to the hospital and keep her informed, which he did throughout the hospital stay. When they arrived at the hospital in Wasilla, Sean passed out again and began vomiting. They quickly admitted him and he received a head/brain and body cat scan. Sean said it wasn't until 1:00 a.m. or so that he woke to the Dr. telling him what they had done to him, but he doesn't remember exactly what was said. I guess the Dr. told him that he had a major concussion and possible torn ligaments in his neck. He was sent home around 3:00 a.m. in a neck brace.

Sis. Dance told me that she had spoke with Elder Yates each hour and had also talked to Sean for about 15 minutes, which he doesn't remember. When Sean saw her on Wednesday, he told her that he didn't remember even talking to her. The last thing he remembers is playing soccer and then waking up in the hospital, talking to the doctor.

Sis. Dance informed me that Sean was given strict instructions on what to do after being released and that she was calling and checking up on him daily. He was told what to expect with his recovery and if there were any complications he was to immediately return to the hospital. Sis. Dance said they would not do a follow-up cat scan unless there were complications. Although, he does have a follow-up appointment on August 26.

He has had an ongoing headache and is very sensitive to light, which was all expected. He wore the neck brace for 3 or 4 days and then was to be careful not to turn his head quickly and to absolutely not be involved in any physical activity, until she gave him the o.k. She told me that he probably would not be playing any sports at all, other than maybe basketball, the rest of his mission. Sean told us he didn't think he would ever play soccer again and that he didn't even like it that much to begin with.

Sister Dance and I had a good visit. She sincerely apologized for not contacting us. I felt very upset in the beginning, but after speaking with her, I know she loves Sean and has his and our best interest at heart. It just didn't happen, and she was truly sorry. We both had tears and I felt at peace when we hung up. She is his missionary mother for now and I know he will be taken care of.

This experience has truly tested my faith. But I do have faith in this gospel and what Sean is doing. Although I miss him every minute, every day, there is no place else I would want him to be. I am so grateful that he has been given this experience. He is an incredible young man and I love him!