Saturday, October 23, 2010

Basketball with the Lund Family

Sean and Elder Spendlove playing basketball in the Lund family gym. I guess in Alaska, you have to have a gym at your house. Wouldn't that be fun!... I'm sure Sean loves playing there.

This is part of what Sis. Lund wrote:

" Attached are a few photos of the elders in our gym playing basketball with my family and friend. I think they like coming over here for dinner as they always head out there for a quick game afterwards.

I know they're working hard and had a baptism last week end that we were unable to attend. We took them out to a restaurant last Friday as I didn't have time to make a dinner. They had wanted Italian, so we went to a place called Evalgelos. And low and behold, they both ordered steaks! I guess the idea of spaghetti didn't sound so good after they saw the menu. (-:

The name of our ward is Cottonwood. If you go onto the church website, you could see a photo of the building. It is officially in the Palmer boundary, but it feels more like Wasilla. We are a large ward and have three wards using the building. Elder Stoker is also serving in the Single Adults ward.
We have roadshows tonight, so I may see them and if I do, I'll say 'hi' to them for you.

Hope you're enjoying your fall leaves. We are getting a rare Indian Summer up here and loving every minute of it.
Sis. Lund"

She is the sweetest lady. I so appreciate her taking such good care of the Elders.

1 comment:

  1. Is it a disadvantage to have to play in Sunday clothes? ;-). Looks like fun.
    Love, Aunt Sue
