Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Off to Alaska

This morning at 6:50 a.m., we received our long awaited phone call from Sean. He was at the Salt Lake International Airport. When the phone rang, my heart began to pound and I couldn't answer it fast enough. It was so good to hear his sweet voice say "hi" on the other end. It seemed like we hadn't talked to him forever, way longer than 3 weeks. He sounded very cheerful, healthy, maybe even a little older. Robert put him on speaker phone so everyone could talk. Jake and Lexie made their way out of bed to join the conversation. We had already planned on letting Jake and Lexie stay home from school until after he called. We wouldn't have missed it for anything.

He told us that he had gotten up that morning at 4:00 a.m., got ready and packed, then loaded a bus that took them to the airport. There were 12 of them flying out to Alaska. He was told that this is the only time of year that they send missionaries to Alaska, so that is why there were so many. Although he only knew 4 of them really well, the Elders that were in his District. He was very excited to be leaving for Alaska. He filled me in about the food and being in quarantine. To help me understand what he meant about not liking the food, he said the food was like eating at McDonald's 3 times a day, 7 days a week. It isn't that it tasted horrible (in the beginning), it was just hard on your system, very starchy. But that all was well now.

He said he was learning a lot about the gospel and that he had gone to the Temple twice. He said it was really great.

We were able to talk for an hour. He said he may also be able to call us when he lands in Seattle, depending on how much time they have. Robert was beginning to get a little concerned about the time, but Sean said he was fine. He told us he didn't need to start boarding until 8:00 a.m. So at 7:50, we all said our goodbyes. I was on cloud 9 all day. Just hearing his voice and how happy he sounded, helped me to know he was o.k. He is where he wants to be and needs to be.

His flight schedule was as follows:
Traveling to Anchorage
Wed 31 –Mar– 10
Salt Lake City (SLC) to Seattle (SEA) 689 mi
Depart 8:35 a.m. Arrive 9:46 a.m. - Duration 2 hr 11 mn
Delta Flight 4542 - Operated by: SKYWEST DBA DELTA CONNECTION
Terminal UNIT 2 -
Aircraft: CR9Seattle

(SEA) to Anchorage (ANC) 1,445 mi
Depart 11:00 a.m. Arrive 1:32 p.m. - Duration 3 hr 32 mn
Delta Flight 9006 - Operated by: ALASKA AIRLINES
Terminal SOUTH


After I realized he was not going to call from Seattle, (I knew he probably wouldn't have time) I got on a website called (thank you for the info, Julie Imlay). It was the coolest thing. I entered in the flight number and all of the flight information popped up, along with a little airplane that showed a map between Seattle and Anchorage. We were able to track his flight the entire way. Every few minutes it would refresh and show exactly where he was flying, along with speed, altitude and all the other stuff that didn't make sense to me. I felt like I was right there with him. It was quite a relief to see his plane arrive safely.

Later that afternoon, President Dance called from Anchorage and left us a wonderful message. We felt bad that we had missed it. I was with the young women doing baptism's for the dead and Robert had gone to work. We were able to hear it that evening. He told us that Sean had arrived safely and was doing well, and how excited he was to have Sean. He and another missionary were already out proselyting. And, upon returning, they would have a good dinner, have a testimony meeting, and go to bed early. He knew they needed a good night sleep after their long day of travel. Then Thursday, they would be given their assignments. He told us that we would receive a letter from him (President Dance) early next week with all of the information. I am very excited for Sean. President Dance sounded like such a kind, caring person. I truly believe Sean is in good hands. We will anxiously be awaiting to hear where Sean is sent.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Miracle has happened!

In the midst of our letters this last week, Jake received an extraordinarily, unexpected letter from his brother. The letter wasn't unexpected, but the content was.

Jake had sent a letter and in part, he told Sean about his basketball plans for next season and that the varsity coach had told him that he had to put some weight on between now and next season. He said, "When you return from your mission I will weigh 200 lbs." Along with some other funny things, he updated him on the status of the Jazz and wished him a safe trip to Alaska.

This is some of what Sean wrote back: "Hey Jake its good to hear from you. That's cool that you are going to be fat when I get back. Are you going to do football as well? You might not think it will, but the more you do, it will prepare you for basketball. That's sweet the Jazz are playing good. I couldn't tell if you said they are .5 games back of 2nd place? But if they are that is sweet. Well I don't have to much time to email today but next week I will be in Alaska so I will tell you all about it....."

I was so surprised....I told Jake that I couldn't remember the last time Sean had ever spoke that kind to him, at least in their later years. Most of you know the love/hate relationship that Sean and Jake have (maybe I can say had). It may not seem like much, but to Robert and I, it was so cool. He was nice, caring, funny and even gave him brotherly advice. It really is a MIRACLE!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 15!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

We received a letter from Sean yesterday (Tuesday) with his travel information. He will fly out on March 31. He has a layover in Seattle and then on to Alaska. I think he is very excited to get to Alaska. I am counting down the days and hours until I receive his phone call from the airport. I hope I don't cry through the entire conversation, especially if he only has a few minutes.

I have been trying to get more information out of him about his daily grind, but he hasn't given to many details. Only that the food is horrible and the rooms are very hot, no air conditioning. He said "I have been sick everyday, so if you have any heart you will send me stuff." So we sent him up a big box of food. He also wanted me to send him white short sleeve shirts (washed of course, he can't wear something new without washing it first - he got that from me). We had only bought long sleeve.....why would we buy short sleeve, he's going to Alaska. Although, Robert told us we should when we were doing his shopping. So Robert loved that he could say "I told you so."

He was also a little upset with me because I had sent him a newspaper article on the Jazz's first game after he had left. I thought he would be happy, but this was his response: "Don't send me news articles of the Jazz when they lose, it's mean." I let him know that I had planned on sending all of them to him, not just the games they lose. I am so thankful that he is still being my Sean, when it comes to stuff like that. I wouldn't want it any other way.

So, other than yucky food and hot rooms, he seems to be doing good. Only one more week and he will be on his way to Alaska.

Thank you for your continued love, support and prayers. I know Sean has loved receiving the letters and goodies you have been sending and we appreciate it too. We love you!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

First Letter

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Today we received our first letter (e-mail) from Sean. We weren't expecting one, but were very excited....I mean really excited. I had been checking the mail box for 2 days hoping that he had written the night he got there, but no such luck.

This is what he said:
"Hello mom and dad. I recieved your letters today and thought that i would just e-mail you so you could get it today. Things are going pretty good here we are in classes from 7 until 9:30 at night so there isnt to much free time throughout the day. They are making us refer to everyone as Elders and so it is weird seeing people I know and not calling them by the first name. Everything here looks the same and it is very confusing to find the right buildings but I will manage to survive. My departure date for Alaska is the 31st but possibly we could be leaving on the 29th or 30th. The release date is March 14th 2012. I need you to send my temple bag up asap I found out that I will be needing it on Friday. I will talk to you all later tell everyone hi. I will be able to get on e-mails every friday but I can write whenever, Love you.

Love, Elder Stoker"

Anyway, I guess he is doing well and adjusting. I look forward to our next communication.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Here we come....MTC

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Today is a very happy/sad day. We woke up at Grandma Z's house and prepared to take Sean to the MTC. After loading the car and saying our goodbye to Grandma, we headed on our way to Provo. Robert and I already had tears. When we arrived in Provo, we stopped at Chili's to have lunch. After quickly eating, we continued on our way up the hill towards the Provo Temple. When we arrived at the MTC, we were directed by a very nice gentlemen where to drop Sean off. We followed the long line of cars along the curb until we arrived at sign no. 14, where we were met by a missionary host to help us unload.
He opened Sean's door and asked him his name and welcomed him. He was very helpful. After unloading the luggage from the car, we gave many hugs (along with many tears) to Sean, took some pictures and watched him walk away....into the sunset, well towards the MTC, and we drove away. It was very emotional but very special at the same time. This is going to be a very big growing experience for all of us. We couldn't be prouder of him and what he is doing. We are already anticipating our first letter to hear how he is doing!

Libby was very sad at bed time. She curled up on Sean's bed and layed her head on his pillow. We will just have to give her lots of extra love.