Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Off to Alaska

This morning at 6:50 a.m., we received our long awaited phone call from Sean. He was at the Salt Lake International Airport. When the phone rang, my heart began to pound and I couldn't answer it fast enough. It was so good to hear his sweet voice say "hi" on the other end. It seemed like we hadn't talked to him forever, way longer than 3 weeks. He sounded very cheerful, healthy, maybe even a little older. Robert put him on speaker phone so everyone could talk. Jake and Lexie made their way out of bed to join the conversation. We had already planned on letting Jake and Lexie stay home from school until after he called. We wouldn't have missed it for anything.

He told us that he had gotten up that morning at 4:00 a.m., got ready and packed, then loaded a bus that took them to the airport. There were 12 of them flying out to Alaska. He was told that this is the only time of year that they send missionaries to Alaska, so that is why there were so many. Although he only knew 4 of them really well, the Elders that were in his District. He was very excited to be leaving for Alaska. He filled me in about the food and being in quarantine. To help me understand what he meant about not liking the food, he said the food was like eating at McDonald's 3 times a day, 7 days a week. It isn't that it tasted horrible (in the beginning), it was just hard on your system, very starchy. But that all was well now.

He said he was learning a lot about the gospel and that he had gone to the Temple twice. He said it was really great.

We were able to talk for an hour. He said he may also be able to call us when he lands in Seattle, depending on how much time they have. Robert was beginning to get a little concerned about the time, but Sean said he was fine. He told us he didn't need to start boarding until 8:00 a.m. So at 7:50, we all said our goodbyes. I was on cloud 9 all day. Just hearing his voice and how happy he sounded, helped me to know he was o.k. He is where he wants to be and needs to be.

His flight schedule was as follows:
Traveling to Anchorage
Wed 31 –Mar– 10
Salt Lake City (SLC) to Seattle (SEA) 689 mi
Depart 8:35 a.m. Arrive 9:46 a.m. - Duration 2 hr 11 mn
Delta Flight 4542 - Operated by: SKYWEST DBA DELTA CONNECTION
Terminal UNIT 2 -
Aircraft: CR9Seattle

(SEA) to Anchorage (ANC) 1,445 mi
Depart 11:00 a.m. Arrive 1:32 p.m. - Duration 3 hr 32 mn
Delta Flight 9006 - Operated by: ALASKA AIRLINES
Terminal SOUTH


After I realized he was not going to call from Seattle, (I knew he probably wouldn't have time) I got on a website called (thank you for the info, Julie Imlay). It was the coolest thing. I entered in the flight number and all of the flight information popped up, along with a little airplane that showed a map between Seattle and Anchorage. We were able to track his flight the entire way. Every few minutes it would refresh and show exactly where he was flying, along with speed, altitude and all the other stuff that didn't make sense to me. I felt like I was right there with him. It was quite a relief to see his plane arrive safely.

Later that afternoon, President Dance called from Anchorage and left us a wonderful message. We felt bad that we had missed it. I was with the young women doing baptism's for the dead and Robert had gone to work. We were able to hear it that evening. He told us that Sean had arrived safely and was doing well, and how excited he was to have Sean. He and another missionary were already out proselyting. And, upon returning, they would have a good dinner, have a testimony meeting, and go to bed early. He knew they needed a good night sleep after their long day of travel. Then Thursday, they would be given their assignments. He told us that we would receive a letter from him (President Dance) early next week with all of the information. I am very excited for Sean. President Dance sounded like such a kind, caring person. I truly believe Sean is in good hands. We will anxiously be awaiting to hear where Sean is sent.

1 comment:

  1. I loved this post, Pam! And isn't modern technology such a blessing at times? I was glad to hear you were able to go to that website and check in on his plane. I kind of got teary-eyed when reading that. I think you needed to have that. :) And keep up the good work on this blog. We check it every so often!
