Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Here we come....MTC

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Today is a very happy/sad day. We woke up at Grandma Z's house and prepared to take Sean to the MTC. After loading the car and saying our goodbye to Grandma, we headed on our way to Provo. Robert and I already had tears. When we arrived in Provo, we stopped at Chili's to have lunch. After quickly eating, we continued on our way up the hill towards the Provo Temple. When we arrived at the MTC, we were directed by a very nice gentlemen where to drop Sean off. We followed the long line of cars along the curb until we arrived at sign no. 14, where we were met by a missionary host to help us unload.
He opened Sean's door and asked him his name and welcomed him. He was very helpful. After unloading the luggage from the car, we gave many hugs (along with many tears) to Sean, took some pictures and watched him walk away....into the sunset, well towards the MTC, and we drove away. It was very emotional but very special at the same time. This is going to be a very big growing experience for all of us. We couldn't be prouder of him and what he is doing. We are already anticipating our first letter to hear how he is doing!

Libby was very sad at bed time. She curled up on Sean's bed and layed her head on his pillow. We will just have to give her lots of extra love.

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