Saturday, March 13, 2010

First Letter

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Today we received our first letter (e-mail) from Sean. We weren't expecting one, but were very excited....I mean really excited. I had been checking the mail box for 2 days hoping that he had written the night he got there, but no such luck.

This is what he said:
"Hello mom and dad. I recieved your letters today and thought that i would just e-mail you so you could get it today. Things are going pretty good here we are in classes from 7 until 9:30 at night so there isnt to much free time throughout the day. They are making us refer to everyone as Elders and so it is weird seeing people I know and not calling them by the first name. Everything here looks the same and it is very confusing to find the right buildings but I will manage to survive. My departure date for Alaska is the 31st but possibly we could be leaving on the 29th or 30th. The release date is March 14th 2012. I need you to send my temple bag up asap I found out that I will be needing it on Friday. I will talk to you all later tell everyone hi. I will be able to get on e-mails every friday but I can write whenever, Love you.

Love, Elder Stoker"

Anyway, I guess he is doing well and adjusting. I look forward to our next communication.

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